Sunday, January 24, 2010

give me the courage

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I cannot accept and the wisdom to know the difference . I have made a big decision in my life .  It is time for me to let go of  someone I love very much as this love is self destructive and  my  loved one is determined to stay on a  self destructive  path  no matter what I have done  and want to do to "help"  . I am sure we have all had someone in our life that is self destructive and we end up finding ourselves in constant rescue mode.  When we engage in this type of relationship it ends up eroding our own self esteem , strength , energy , passion ,hope and joy.  Often we  find that  the person we think we are helping is no better off and in turn has learned to resent  us and blame us for where they are in life . It is at this point we must go down with them or cut them loose and save ourselves. I have made the choice to save myself . It is so hard as I have to trust my head and not my heart as my heart still feels so much love and is  in so much pain.  This choice is also  very hard as it   Includes breaking vows that I take as very sacred and serious .So  I know  I must ask for the courage to stay with my choice to cut free and do so with the conviction   that  life is about  living to our full sacred  potential . To me living in a self destructive environment and with self destructive people   is  not honoring that full potential and therefore it is  not honoring sacred gifts which are my  potential . I am sharing this on my  blog as feel I have not been as constant here   as most of you have been in turn to me. Your visits mean so much to me as I know my visits  and others  visits , mean to you . It is this moody emotional  roller coaster   ride that   I  hope will change along with the changes I am making in my life. I known this will take some time but I have to hope there  will be peace, joy and passion  one day again in my life. This is my prayer.  God grant me the serenity....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

HMMMM ....good question

Is it true that you have to see it to believe it , or rather , do you have to believe it before you can see it?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Steam Punk Home!!

I have discovered I new site to drool over or blog spot. Here is a sneak peek at some of the items you can enjoy if you are a steam punk lover like me!!
This is part of the Steam Punk Kitchen!!!  You should see the wall paper they make for your
Steam Punk home ( another site I will share  it another day ).
 I am ready to redecorate!! Right now!!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bad Dog verses Good dog

The saga of Scooter... I make these little paper clay angel dogs. I love the idea that  all good dogs go to heaven and that to me means ALL dogs. But I may  have to make one exception!!!! I left my little box of "angel doggies"  on the bed opssss .... and the little devil dog had a hay -day .Scooter ripped off all the wings halos  and ears off!!! Do you think he is trying to tell me something ?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dreaming of sleeping dogs !!!

Ok so I am at Debs most the day painting and sewing curtains.  This means Scooter and Peanut have to spend the day by them selves. Now I am  back home, ready for bed acutally  IN  bed and they are wired.  Well mostly  Scooter ,he  is only 6 months old. He  is all over the place,  bouncing, chewing my hands  dragging every toy onto the bed bugging poor Peanut. Up and down, up and down . (They have a little set of stairs  to climb up and  on to  the bed.) I  need some puppy downers so I can go to sleep. But darn the little guy is  soooo cute !!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

They came!!

My prints came today!! Deb has been bugging me for almost 2 years to make prints of my work. I kept putting it off because the needing to be "right" person in me  could not commit to a printer or printing process and the fear that they would  be imperfect over overwhelmed  me  !!!! Well, the NOT needing to be right NEW ME just sent them to the printer and they came back and are on my etsy!! Hey they are just prints. Something fun to have around. Hang on a your bulletin board etc, small and inexpensive .Why was I freaking  out so much . Sometimes I get so tired of being me anyone ever feel that way !!! gee wizzzz......

Friday, January 1, 2010


I want to report that  my "friend" whom   I wrote about is doing much better. Her and her husband seem to be re-thinking a lot of things and their future looks positive . I will continue to  hope and pray  that they find happiness in what  ever they do . I thank you so much for your prayers as I know our  Spiritual Creator is guiding them.  Thanks and  hugs to all and happy 2010