Hi to everyone. I am so sorry for not visiting anyone in blog land for while and not posting. I am in a bit of a life crisis at this time and working hard to resolve it but just want to check in with everyone as I miss you all.I Hope everyone out there is having a good summer mine has been HOT in more ways then one. Hugs to all Julie
You have had me wondering if all was well in your world Julie.
Sending hugs your way sweetness.
Your quote is one of my favorites and I have turned to it many times also. We miss you too Sweet Julie. Hugs back:) Love, Jamie
This is my all time favorite quote:)
"...for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served or a debt to be paid. THEN life would begin.
At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."
Daisaku Ikeda
Sorry to hear things aren't quite the way they should be! Hope you will come through your crisis well and hopefully soon.
I was wondering if you are OK - sorry to hear that there are some issues to deal with but so glad you checked in - missed you!
I'm sending vibes your way to help smooth out the temporary wrinkles in your life right now.
Big hugs Julie!
Here's hoping things are okay with you friend! May sunnier days be on their way soon. :-)
Hope things will get better for you and yours, but I'm thinking you have learned to fly!!
Have been missing your posts but hope all is okay.As my very elderly aunt always says when anything is amiss "Sweetie, This too shall pass", so hang in there. xo Debi
I was wondering what was happening with you but figured you were busy with house sale. I am sorry to hear you are dealing with a crisis. Sending lots of love and good vibes your way!! Hugs, Silke
I have missed seeing your beautiful work, I hope things get better for you soon.
Micki x
Have missed you Julie...will say a prayer.
Hello Julie; I am so sorry to hear that you are not having a good summer.. I will keep you in my Prayers the Lord knows your needs and he will get you through this time... take care and God Bless;
Oh Julie, I am so happy to see your post and know that you are still checking in. I'm so sorry that you are riding one of life's rough trails right now. I pray that your road will smooth out soon. Hang in there and stay your positive, upbeat self. I sure have missed you. Take care of yourself and hope to have you back in the swing of things soon.
Much love, Nancy
You have been missed!
Love, Alyce
loving your message julie...sorry things are tough...yes...you will stand on something solid or fly...i am sure of that!!! you are not alone in your crisis...you have the support of many!!! loving the piece darling....
Have missed your inspiring posts! Hoping that the ride settles down soon for you!! Big Hugs,
julie....keeper of my traveling heart.
you are planted firmly in
busy here, making you wings.
Hang in there Julie! We'll all be here when you get back. And we're here now in the background of life supporting you and wishing you well.
hi julie! i stumbled upon your blog and so glad i did! i've been reading your posts about your house situation....something that my husband and i have been living for the past three years! i understand the ups and downs....i hope that your house sells very soon! i'm sorry that you're going through a difficult time right now....here's hoping that you find solid ground soon!
p.s. your artwork is absolutely fabulous!! :)
Hi sweet Julie. I've been away for a little bit and am catching up on your blog. I'm SOOOO sorry you are going through a difficult time right now. I hope everything is better soon. I'm sending you tons of xoxo Julie!!!
I've missed your posts and wondered if all was well. I'm sorry to read that things haven't been, but hope they will be soon. Take care. Sending virtual hugs!
Oh Julie I hope that things will turn around for you, I am saying my very best prayers for you sweetie.
Hi Julie just checking in, I hope you are okay???
Sending hugs and good wishes,
Hi Doll-
know that you are loved and adored from afar:::::
hugs and blessings
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