Thursday, December 31, 2009
Once in a blue moon
The last blue moon on New Years Eve was 20 years ago . A blue moon is a full moon that happens 2 times in a given calendar month. I think this is a very good sign for us all in 2010 .....Once in a blue Moon!!!
Party Angels
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Art saves Lives
Jenny Doh has a theory ( Jenny is the editor of Somerset Studios and Stampington ). She is leaving to start her new project Crescen-Doh . Jenny says many times "Art saves Lives" this has so often been true for me. 17 years ago I went to Upstate NY and took the Skidmore College Summer Six ( art program) and did it in Metal Smithing . You stayed in the dorms and ate in the cafeteria. I was the only on in the program and had the studio all to myself . I worked 12 hour quite days, way into the wee hours of the night creating without anything to bother me . Just creating !! I had access to all the campus had to offer. I could wander off to the fine arts painting, printing and ceramic studios and library .Watch and visit with other creative souls doing the same thing. It was the best 6 weeks of my entire life and helped me focus on what I REALLY wanted from my life. I then went back home and got it!!! Fast forward 13 years and on a much shorter scale a few days at Art Fest and the magic happened again. Now this coming year I am teaching art Art Fest a dream come true. These events pulled me out of a stuck place and helped me focus on what I wanted. It happens daily in my studio on an even smaller scale. Once again I would love to have you share "art saving" stories of your own and P.S. This photo posted today is one of the tiny pieces I made at Skidmore College Summer Six so long along ago and no, I did not use PMC it had not been invented yet!! Darn.... wish it had .
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I measure mine in art ..
Some reckon their age by years,
Some measure their life by art;
But some tell their days by the flow of their tears
And their lives by the moans of their hearts.
- - - -Abram Joseph Ryan
Some measure their life by art;
But some tell their days by the flow of their tears
And their lives by the moans of their hearts.
- - - -Abram Joseph Ryan
Monday, December 28, 2009
Question of the day?
An old saying /question came to mind this morning. "You can either be happy or right" I am one of those people that is passionate and thinks totally with the creative side of her brain ,so much so that I can never remember what side that is ?!? . I grew up in a very small town in the Midwest in a time and place where no one knew about the different ways creative people live and learn in this world. It was just the 3 R's go to church and always wear clean underwear and you did it that way or you were considered a slow learner. To make up for this "slow learning" I needed to try extra hard to be" common sense smart" so that I could earn peoples respect even if I was not book smart. All my life I have tried to "do it right " and it has turned me into a controlling, self righteous B*&%H at times. It has not made me happy when I try so hard thinking "what will others think?" and it has made lots of people unhappy when I am in my self righteous frame of mind and my voice that goes with it !!. The gift I am giving my self this year is the gift of just doing it with my heart be a "happy fool" and with passion. Doing it " right" has not seemed to make that much difference in saving me from life's painful lessons and maybe just the opposite, as life keeps telling me " let go of the CONTROL you self righteous B*&^#H" .So why not just try being happy rather then right? This may be a bit tougher then I think but I am going to give it a try . I would love to hear any of your thoughts as to this question as it is an interesting one that I think many creative souls struggle with.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
When my husband Mark was dying , Hospice had to be called in. The two of us did not want to face what that meant. I told the Hospice workers that having them on board took our hope away. The social worker told me ." No, you just have to learn to hope for something different" . I learned so much from Mark's death, that being one of them. I learned to look to the unkown in Mark's case . Maybe his dying was not the end for him and I had to "hope" that some thing was still ahead for him, something I could not see or be a part of but still something good for him . As I deal now with my " friends" loss I have to face that maybe for her I must hope for something different too. Maybe instead of life with this man there will be another life for her without him. I thank you for your prayers as I think they are reminding me of that lesson about life. There is always hope you just need to adjust your focus.
Friday, December 25, 2009
A prayer
A woman whom is very close to me is in deep pain . She and her husband have gone through a very tough year . The husband lost his business and his emotional health . They then lost all they had worked for and have had to start over. They have both felt much fear, pain and insecurity . The insecurity of both has lead the husband to believe that he has lost his love for her and so a few days ago he left her. Please if you believe in prayer would you take the time to say one for both of them and ask our Spiritual Creator to give her the courage to face the loss of him and find her way. Thank you so much my dear friends and Merry Christmas .
Sunday, December 20, 2009
My christmas gift to you!
This Christmas I thought I would give a little "how to" to my bogging friends. It is a simple little
Snowman made from a light bulb. Here it is and Merry Christmas to you all!!! Hugs julie

Snowman made from a light bulb. Here it is and Merry Christmas to you all!!! Hugs julie
Next I added a layer of glitter to his cap by spreading it with Mod Podge
And then sprinkling it with clear glass glitter. I used a black sharpie to make his eyes and then a white and red ( not shown Oops ) Stabillo pencil to make his checks .I blended them together in
Circular motion to make pink. A Stabillo pencil will work on all surfaces, even glass.

He is all glued together.
Next I glued his nose , base and cap on with E 6000.

I used a clear water bottle cap for his base and covered it and his nose with
White glass glitter. I used Mod Podge as the glue for the glitter.
I sewed a few fun findings and beads to the tip of the cap.

I picked some fun ribbon and sewed it on the rim of the cap.

Using black velvet I cut a flower shape for his collar.
I stitched the cap together with black thread. It is hard to see but the raw edge of the
felt was cut with pinking shears.
I used wool felt to make the cap,which is part rayon , part wool .
I buy this at Joann Fabrics by the yard.

To make a cone shaped hat pattern I just folded the edge of a piece of paper. I made sure the
base was the width I wanted. I can always trim the bottom base edge later to round it off.

For his nose I made a jelly roll from paper clay and then by pressing firmer on one end
while I rolled, I tapered it into a cone shape . When it is dry you can sand the rough edges .
Friday, December 18, 2009
Workshop Specials for one week only!!!
Glenny, at Art and Soul is offering a wonderful deal for her fabulous Art and Soul Art Retreat in Las Vegas Feb 2010. Each week, starting today she is featuring one of the instructors and for that week their classes will be 20% off . I am the instuctor she is featuring this week, starting today . These are images of the classes I will be offering !
Monday, December 7, 2009
Poor Scooter Last night his cough got even worse. So off in the middle of the night both Cal and a raced to the emergency vet clinic. And it was pneumonia and bronchitis. Poor wee guy, Peanut has been so worried!! But with some new antibiotics, a few steam treatments ,some really strong cough syrup and He should be feeling better in 48 hours. Maybe then we can all rest . Thanks again for all the supportive helpful emails . But boy !!!!all those meds sure give him gas!!!! PEWWWWW!!! My eyes are watering as I write he is laying by my feet on his night night bed.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My blog list came back!!! But thanks everyone for the comments !!Now I get to spend some time visiting and seeing what everyone is doing to get ready for Christmas. Oh, I also have a question.I still am taking care of Scooter for Mom and he seems to have kennel cough. We took him to the vet and they put him on antibiotics . But two weeks later and he still has this constant little cough. Does anyone know if this is normal ,does it take some time for the cough to go away ? He only coughs when he lays down and it is this constant kind of hiccup sound. I only know it is a cough because he then needs to cough up phlegm every once in a while? I just thought I would see if anyone has experienced this with a dog with kennel cough. It seems to be common with rescue dogs. thanks fo any help
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
OHHHH NOOOOO !!! To all of you, who's blopgs I follow (Over 100 ).Blogger has erased my list . PLEASE leave a comment so that I can easliy find you again!!! Has this happend tpo anyone else????
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