Cal meet with danger at the hands of our gate and its unique custom latch. As Cal headed out to leave the other day. It started to rain. He had one hand on the gate latch and turned fast to check if the back bedroom door was open. In one quick movement he slipped and fell. His ring finger caught on the gate latch and he went down!!!! 36 stitches later and a bent ring he is resting comfortable at home with the help of oxycoden .We are relieved he still has his finger. What a freak accident !!!They warn about men and the dangers of wearing rings !!!
OMG ~ he is lucky to still have his finger. Poor guy. Ouch! I hope he feels better soon.
OHHHHHH Julie....I will say a pray...that's gotta feel bad!! Sure glad he is ok, I'm creeped out just looking at it!!!!EEEEK!
oooohhhh, poor guy..he sure is lucky to have his finger still.
Whoa! That could have been really bad, so glad he still has his finger. I hope it heals well!!
OUCH!! hope he's feeling better soon.
Micki x
Ow!!!! Poor guy! I hope he feels better and rests that finger!
Oh, the poor guy. Oh well you'll just have to give him lots of tender loving care!
Oh my goodness, I am so glad that he is doing alright (with painkillers) and that he didn't break anything! And that he still has his finger! You thing you were in NM at the time!!! Sending lots of healing energy! Hugs, Silke
Och....Cal gets lot and lots of TLC
I hope he feels better!!!
On a side note I love the design of your gate itself!! Sorry I had to say it.:)
Hope he mends soon! My husband did the same thing and broke his finger low at the nuckle at the same time.... requiring surgery. A little girl at my daughter's school lost TWO fingers when slammed in a gate at the end of the school year. Who knew danger lurked in innocent gates.
OUCH!!!!! Yikes!! Hope her is feeling better. My husband doesn't wear his ring for that same reason............
How awful! Sounds so painful,
hope he will be doing better soon.
OMG Julie! I can't even begin to imagine the pain and the shock! 36 stitches- it must have nearly ripped his finger off!
Will he have full use of it when it heals?
oh my goodness darling...i guess giving the gate the finger was a bad idea...quick recovery to him!!!
Saying a prayer for quick healing!! Hope that all goes well. Looking forward to the August class!
Oh My Goodness! It really is such a freak thing! I will pray for speedy healing and keep you in my thoughts.
Ouch 36 Stitches !!!! Hope he is feeling better
Hi again, Julie, I have an award waiting for you at my blog. I'd be honored if you'd accept it. Feel free to pass it on or just enjoy having received it! You are an inspiration to me!! Hugs, Silke
Oh Julie!!!! So glad to hear that Cal still has his finger...he is VERY lucky! Years ago I worked in an Occupational Therapist's office that specialized in hands. I saw TONS of the worst injuries imaginable that involved rings. Yikes!
Sending your Cal good healthy engery. :-)
yeah in theater most guys don't wear their rings, which is upsetting when you find out they are married!
even though it didn't work for kathy griffin, i'm gonna get matching tats with my future hubby for this very reason! well, once he arrives on the scene, i'll discuss it with him.
sending healing thoughts!!!
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