Tonight I did a very fun thing with my 2 Aunts and Mom. We took a scrapbooking class together. The 3 of them do it together quite often and the my Aunts, Deb and Barb usually help My Mom work on her project as Mom loves to participate but the creating part does not come that easy. Tonight as she painted with a new brush she had not removed the plastic wrap from the brush end and I looked over and she was painting away with her brush covered in its plastic wrap then she sewed the first set of signatures to the outside of the book not the inside etc...But she has a good time. The class was taught by Carol Winger and I learned some good things about teaching as she is really laid back and sweet. Plus it was a sweet fun project. I also am having Marsha Jorgensen at Tumble Fish do a special something for my Mom and Marsha asked me to send her some pics of what Mom is "about" . You asked Marsha ,Hope this does not scare you off. I will be emailing them to you too and more ..... TEE HEE . Mom is into" collecting" I call it hoarding and other things!!!!she also sells on ebay and does really well!! I am challenging anyone out there to top her unique organizational skills and style. A while back I said I needed to be close by in case the "piles" toppled over and landed on her .Well you will see from these pictures that my concerns may not be far from what may be the a scary truth... I think Marsha will have a fun time with this !!!
Wow, that is quite a collection!!!
Oh, how fun! I'd love to go through those piles and see what treasures she has...
Oh my! You are so lucky to have so many treasures at your disposal! Does she let you snoop through and use what you want? Does she like her collection/stash? Will she mind it being in her portrait? So many things I want to know! Your mom sounds and looks like one fun lady and I see, like I was telling your cousin, the art genes are hereditary. You should have a family exhibit somewhere! Have you? It is certainly worthy of an article in Somerset, don't you think?
Like Silke....I'd loooooove to rummage thru that stuff!!! I think it's great that you do things with your mom!!!
It was way to funny with the brush. But shes always a good sport and can laugh at herself. I think that is what makes the classes so fun. Carol was a wonderful teacher and it was a great night.
Oh your little mom is so cute. I love what Marsha did for you and your sister. She will do something fabulous for your mom
WOW.......I would love to sit in my pj's all day and look through all those treasures
Have a great weekend!!
oh my goodness...i will show this to rob and then he will think i am soooo organized!!! i am giving a workshop today on secret compartment books....loving life!!!
Wow, that is a lot of stuff!!It's so nice you can get together with your mom and take classes or whatever comes up. My mom is 90 and we've started playing scrabble.She's always loved it and one day I realized she had not played in ages, no one to play with, so we're playing a couple times a week and it's fun! Life is short, wear your party pants!!
I love her to pieces but am fearful that shelve is going to fall on her and we are going to end up cleaning up this stuff On a positive note if you are looking for something she has it :-) and she is so generous.
oh my gosh! that looks like a treasure trove of goodness! Wow!!
Ok Julie how long did it take to stage all that stuff? No one could really have that much stuff! Well I know your mom and I guess she could if anyone could!!!! Love the picture of Lorrie and you. love
Hi Julie!!! I tried to find an email link on your blog but couldn't so I'll leave you a note here. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your class on Saturday. I am already designing a whole series of those cute little shadowboxes for the wall in my studio. The finished one is up and on my blog. Go check her out!
XXX Karen
Julie, your sweet mom is all about "organized clutter"! We had one of those in my family. Her treasures were so vast and many, that it took us one year to clear out her little house when my grandmother passed away. It was a good process, I guess, because I will never buy too much, or become a collector like that. And, yes, you DO have a real concern about things falling over on your dear mom! It happened to my grandmother. Get that shelf down, or take some stuff off before it becomes a weapon of destruction!!
Love to you and your treasured mom :o)
there you are with that wonderful generous women!
Now I know where you get such a giving heart from- the ladies LOVE all the supplies you brought to us, thank you again my sweets!
I loved what you shared about your darling mom. So cute about leaving the plastic wrap on her brush. You are blessed to be able to share these experiences with her and your Aunts. Man, and I thought I had a lot of stuff!! I don't hold a candle to your mom. Truly a treasure-trove.
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