I got up early this morning and unpacked boxes that had been sitting in the condo since my trip in from Santa Fe last Wed. I then headed out to do errand running for supplies for my classes next week. My first stop was about 9:45 for breakfast at Mimi's while I waited for the bead store to open. When I came out about 10 :30 I heard a dog barking in a car . I searched the lot till I found the poor thing. A big white Husky type dog locked up in an equally big white Cadillac . I live part time in Scottsdale Az and this time of year and day the temp. is already about 90-95+ degrees( over 100+ in a locked up car) and illegal to leave any living creature in you car!!! I called the police and while I did so the owners came out. I told them I had called the police and that it was illegal to do what they had done . They had Oregon plates so I assumed they had no idea how hot a car can get and that what they had done was dangerous. I was shocked at what spewed from both these old fools mouths. I was called a F-*#@+**#^ .... B-*%#@+*%^&**%^ and to mind my own business, I was told I was a stupid woman and that their dog was NOT at all hot . Oh and that I most likely was the stupid type who voted for that N#*_+*$#@ Obama and I was even more horrible for driving a foreign car that they would not even pay me a $1 for ( I have to say they were right on this part as my lemon is worth maybe 2 cents)!!! HMMMM, the dog even growled and barked at me !!!! These where very harmless looking sr. citizens, but behind their "average" masks they were VERY SCARY and ANGRY!!!.I told them that they were just mad because they knew what they had done was dangerous and it was them selves they were most mad at . They left before the police came but the officer said he would look for the description of them and the car. I just do not get some people!! Anyway the pictures are of some of the pieces I am submitting as class proposals for Art Fest . Please wish me luck as this event is soooo hard to get into. Also our negotiations seem off on the very low ball offer we got on the house friday. So I am a bit blue and scared that there are more fools like the ones in the white "caddie" out there doing stupid things and to ignorant to learn!!!!
Well girl you stepped into that, good for you!! I had the same experience in Sun City for reminding a man to not park in a handicap spot!! Love what you have made up for Art Fest, good luck!!
Wow, what an experience! As an animal lover, I am so glad you called the police. Such ignorant people! Your pieces for Art Fest look wonderful! I love your art. And I am sure you'll get the perfect offer on your house. Just try to take your mind off the fools of the world and imagine the perfect person for your place. Hugs, Silke
Working 16 years as a registered veterinary technician I have seen many dogs die from heat exhaustion and it's a horrible way for them to die. I always call if I see it so good for you AND it sounds like you gave those people a good come back too!
YAY! I am so glad you called the cops!
You did the right thing!
Julie, thank you for calling the police on those horrible people!
I have done this too.
Best wishes for Art Fest!
oh boy - what a story - you did the right thing - pat yourself on the back!
GOOD LUCk at the show!
P.S. I just adore the eggs!
Julie, good for you.....you did the right thing. My day job involves working in retail a lot, and I know there are a lot of idiots out there....blow it off, you know you did right!! Your art is awesome, good luck with the fest!
good luck girl !!! you did the right thing , good for you !! have fun in cali and say hi to all the girls for me !! your going to have a blast too!
Hi found you via my favorite... beth quinn Santa Fe is one of my favorite places..Your artwork is great!!! xoxo laura
When I hear of stupid people like the ones you met I wish I could put them in a fur coat (imitation of course :} and lock them in the car for a couple of hours and see how they like it.
You are very quick on your feet with your come back too nice to my liking ha ha
I am in your class next weekend at Sandcastle Sirens. Can't wait.
Hope you get into Art Fest. Love Hot Dog....so cute.
It was the right thing today. They are the type that would have left a child in the car!!!!!!!!
Hang in there on the house. Remember the positives.
The kids did have a great time and the movie was WONDERFUL.
love and hugs
Isn't it awful that the world has so many of that kind? Ignorant, aggressive and yes, dangerous. Still, let it go, don't dwell on it. That just gives them more power.
It is like the title of the first piece - you are what you think! These are lovely - I wish you luck with ArtFest.
I just have to say THANKS all for the support !!! Julie
I told some good friends a couple of years ago that they could not leave their dog in a car on a hot day, and they treated me like I was crazy. I was so upset. I totally understand. Gosh, people are so mean sometimes. Glad to hear my new paintings cheered you up a bit. :)
gawd, those people were total arses!! i would have done the same thing! i have 8dogs that live with us at good manor ..all rescues..and am constantly on the lookout for animals in need..ugh! that just makes make stomach hurt....anyway, i love your pictures for your artfest proposal..my fingers are crossed for you..i cannot wait for artfest 2010..xo~kim
ps..thank you for stopping at my blog!
My hubby is a crusader about things like this, he hates to see people leaving their pups in the car for even a short time and always lets them know how dangerous it is. Sometimes people who know they've made a mistake get angry instead of facing their error, don't let their reaction faze you, and all the pups are thanking you for saying something!
You were completely correct and they are in the wrong. It only takes a few minutes in hot weather for the interior of a car to become dangerously hot.
I once told a mother in the post office that her baby, in diapers and alone, was standing on the steering wheel and sticking her little hand out of the cracked window of her car in the parking lot. I got the same profanity laced earful you did. But, sometimes we have to be the voices for those who can't speak for themselves. Good for you! I know your pieces will be accepted. They are beautiful! Love, Jamie
Animal lovers around the world say "thank you ....thank you...thank you" and for the non animal lovers they say "thank you....thank you....thank you" Barb
Oh my God. Stories like this one always stun me. Their reaction to your looking out for their pet is unbelieveable. If this happened to me I would have been in tears after the whole episode. Good for you doing the right thing and sticking up to them.
Love what you have made for the Art Fest...and how brave you are for stepping up and doing the right thing even if the dog barked at you. How many times have those tragic stories been in the paper? Why don't people just "get it"??
Dearest Julie...you are a hero in my book! Not only did you do the right thing by calling the police, you stood up to their vicious attack, stood your ground and then handed it back to them as to WHY they were directing their anger at you. And I think they CLEARLY defined where they were coming from by what they called President Obama. Are you kidding me? Seriously? Ridiculous people. You're a hero, I tells ya!
PS...BEST of luck getting approved to teach at ArtFest! Hope to see you there!!
holy cats those people were NUTS!!!!
you are a friend to four legged creatures, it's too bad that the two-legged ones can be such arses.....
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