Peanut and I just got back to this mess after her vet visit. The good news is that the dysplasia is not as bad as thought, so she will not need a new hip YIPEEE . However she does have a torn ACL and will be having surgery in the morning to repair it. She needs a recovery time of 8 weeks so no walkies for that time period ... poor sweetie , but then no more pain!!! I am so relieved that she does not need a new hip. But now I am torn about the Bliss event as I will pick her up Friday afternoon and I hate to leave her that evening . She is my little baby and when she is upset it adds to her stress when I am not around. O.K. now about the "beyond messy studio". I swear it was clean monday morning!!! I think this should be a contest to see who has the messiest studio. Personally I think I win hands down . But I Challenge all of you to post your own personal nightmare and we can all vote. I really try to keep it clean but then I am creating away and I have just the right thing in mind that a want to add and off I go digging for it. I am so in the obsession that things just fly. Does any of this sound familiar?? I am pretty sure I will never be asked to be in " where women create" but just may be the cover page for "Where women Destroy"
Yeah! I'm glad Peanut does not need a total hip. Best wishes with her ACL in the am.
That's such great news that Peanut doesn't need hip replacement I am sure her surgery tomorrow morning will go just fine and you'll know exactly what to do Friday evening! As to your studio - it looks like you are having LOTS of fun! I just cleaned up my space because of my friend visiting, but I intend to make a mess again very soon... Hugs, Silke
Hurray for Peanut! Best wishes for the surgery:)
Looks like you have been busy in your studio, can't wait to see what you've been creating!
Good news for Peanut!! Hooray!! As for your studio Julie, I could have been a competitor if I hadn't already cleaned it up (in a fashion, lol) I had to, I couldn't find anywhere to put my feet. Give me a week or so and it'll be back to square one :-)
Gail x
Good news about the nut, man those four leggers can tug your heartstrings! I love the messy studio, Mine is similar and I had a whole shelf fall and scatter shiz everywhere. Right after I drop the winks at school Monday it's tidy time too.
Stephanie Wright
Oh Julie, you are so cute...I'm just catching up on your blog posts and I giggled out loud at your "where women destroy" comment!
If you're the cover page, I could completely make the back cover:)
yay for peanut!
i will post a messy studio story and photo for you by Monday, AM! i know you are on the road so it won't be a big deal to wait a few days, right? ;)
have a fantastic trip!!!!
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