Well, the news is in with my sweet Peanut. She has one knee out and a ruptured ACL in the other, as well as that knee out too. She also has very bad hip dysplasia. The Dr. says on a scale of 1-4 she is a 4 . I saw the xray and her hips have no sockets. The little bones just hang out there helplessly and put all the pressure on her knees and then they just cave in. She needs her hips replaced and has been in chronic pain for who knows how long as hip dysplasia is degenerative . I had no idea, she is only 5 or will be june 15th . I am sick to my stomach knowing she has been in chronic pain and now adding the knee pain, her pain level at this time the Dr. says is about an 8-10. How can they tell us they are in pain , bless their little all giving hearts ? I feel horrible . I had no idea, it just all visually showed itself in the last 2 days. My poor little baby . We have her on doggie morphine and a sedative to keep her from moving around to much, yet she still wanted to go for a walk tonight. She keeps hobbling over to the door and plopping down and I keep taking her back to the nite nite nest as I call her bed. We see a specialist hopefully monday. My heart is breaking to see her in such pain.
Julie, I am so sorry for you and poor poor peanut. I can't imagine how painful this must be for both of you.
Hi Julie, My doggies stroller cost us about £100.00 and that was quite cheap for the UK. She loves it but I'm hoping to get her some new treatment next week for the arthritis (keeping all fingers and toes crossed, lol!) Also, I do have an etsy shop but never use it. I'm not sure if original art sells on there? Love your latest.
Gail x
ohhh julie - this stinks , i feel so bad for peanut ... you both are in my thoughts !!
Oh Julie I'm so, so sorry. Poor little thing and poor you. Do take some comfort in the fact that she appears to be in good spirits despite all. Keep her comfortable - you're certainly in my thoughts.
I am so sorry to hear that - for you and your doggie! We've gone through similar things with our dogs and it's heart-breaking and gut-wrenching every time! Sending lots of good thoughts your way! Hugs, Silke
oh julie i didn't know till talking to beth. i'm so sick. she has been a great trooper. never would have know.
in my thoughs!!!
I am so sorry to hear the bad news about your sweet penut...I will keep her in my prayers ..and send you lots of courage..thank you for your sweet comments. They always make me feel special...
oh no! that is so young to have so many joint and bone problems...poor pooch! she is lucky to have such a compassionate owner...
OMG! I am so sorry about your sweet little baby! I'll be waiting to hear what the specialist says on Monday!
My heart is aching for our little sweetie. Such a brave little one. She has so much spirit! Whenever I walk her people stop and say that little one is so full of spirit is just radiants from her. We will have her well soon.
I'm so sorry to read about your dear little Peanut. I hope she can get some relief. Take care.
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