3 years ago I finally bought a BRAND NEW CAR!!! Yippeeeee my truck was 18 years old and I had bought it when it was one year old . I bought a darling all tricked out LEMON ( well mazda miata) It spends more time in the shop then with me. It has had 4 new batteries put in it and randomly they go dead. One time it was in the shop for 6 weeks . I filed a lemon laws suite and won, but it was not enough to apply to a new car and trade this one in and still not make car payments which we are trying not to have to do with my Sweetie out of work. They also would not buy the car back. The car is paid for so we have no payments now. My husband , bless his heart will not sell it to some innocent soul as a "For sale by owner" and every dealership ( even Mazda ) says we will take beating on a trade in. When it starts, I love it but right now it is back in the shop and has been for 4 days . They just put another new battery in it and say it is just fine "go home and enjoy your car" great advice for something so unreliable it is hard to enjoy. I just needed to blow off steam. Oh and I thought my little ebay vintage wheels looked so cute in this little lemon. Well we will keep it until Hubby finds work and then maybe we can afford to take that trade beating or it will be so old who cares...
The art lemon looks so cute, but the other lemon story sounds like a nightmare! I hope your car worries will work themselves out soon...and that your honey will find work even sooner! :) Silke
Hi there Julie,
I just discovered your blog, lol, I love quirky art and the cows are fab! I am now following you so keep up the great work!
Gail x
Hi Julie!
Love all your new work! The cows are amazing!
Too bad you can't drive that sweet lemon on wheels around - it would treat you better than you Mazda lemon! What a story but I love that you put such a fun spin on it.
Keep smiling Julie!
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