Peanut flew through her surgery with flying colors! She is with her " Gramy" recovering while I am in Santa Fe catching up on things. She is now a little "gimpy " but should be able to put weight on the leg in 1 week and back to "Walkies" in 8 weeks. Whoaa... that will be hard to wait out.
What a little sweetheart! Sending best wishes for recovery!
what great news - thanks for the update. I'm still sending well wishes that she continues with her recovery as painlessly and quickly as possible.
Hello Julie!
So nice to have met you!! We had so much Fun!!!
Will I be your friend?? I check the "YES" box!!! :-)
You are one delightful chica and I look forward to getting together with you again!
p.s. Your art work is Fabulous!
p.s.s. Yay for Peanut!!!
Sending Peanut virtual hugs and good wishes for a speedy recovery.
Aww peanut is so sweet, very gentle hugs sent from the UK x
Thank you for your blog comment, I added a little bit extra to the end because a lady on etsy was getting accused by people and it wasn't her! I still havn't heard anything from the woman in question though :(
I got to peek in on Peanut after taking you to the airport. I felt relief when she gave me the Auntie Deb snort. I know she will be back to her old self in no time.
love and hugs
That is the sweetest face ever. Hugs and get well wishes for peanut! What a lucky pet owner to have such a sweetie.
Lots of xoxo for little Miss Peanut:)
Hope this isn't out of place, but Peanut looks so sweet. You might want to look into a BodyTalk session for you or Peanut. It will help her recover very quickly. My friend Laura Hames is in Sante Fe next week. If you're interested check out her site: bodytalkspace.com.
best wishes,
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