What can I say about the Domestic Bliss soirée Friday and Saturday. It was pure magic . So many people came by that I just wanted to spend more time with . I want you all a part of my life . I hope Dan and Kristen will do it again next year. I will have my sister come just for this show. She will go crazy. I have to say I looked with blinders when it came to shopping as I was tempted by everything everyone was selling . I know Cal's and my financial situation will pass and we are so rich in so many other ways. It does hurts though to not be able at this time to buy and support other artist . I know I will be able to again, just not right now when Cal is out of work in one week. So to all who showed your wares, it was wonderful stuff please keep being creative and putting it out for us to enjoy. Then my darling "Aunt Deb" ( she is only 4 1/2 years older then me ) helped me with my booth the last 3 hours in the heat no less!!! She did this so I could catch up on other things at our AZ home and get ready to go to our SF "home"( which I fear will never sell UGHHH) It will be the first time in 8 weeks and Cal and I have not seen each other in that same amount of time. A big THANKS to Deb. She means so much to me and is always so ready to help in any way shape or form. She supports and lifts me up in so many ways !! Visit her at Momama loves vintage. How do I every repay such a giving spirit? Then on to last night. I took the best break and hung at Maija's home with women I hope to see more of as they were all so very "real". All so ready to share their passions , joys and love . Don't you just love the creative spirit. And I word about Maija , she is the most gifted person I know. She has the rarest gift of qualities. Her spirit combines true honestly , a generous spirit ,creativity, realness , love of people, animals , art, beauty, the world , and her family and she is so humble I could go on and on, oh did I say funny as hell too !! Her home is full of all of the above . Whoa-then I was up early this a.m. and flew home. I spent the remainder of the day with my Sweetie. We went to the amazing home he is finished with in one week. He has worked on it for 2 years . He is the most talented builder. Such attention to detail. I also spent time in my garden and we ordered pizza with green chiles and watched the Tudors ( I am so into all of that )OHHH That horrible womanizer -King Henry the 8th . He is on to Marriage #4, Anna of Cleaves . We shared a bottle of champagne too . My sweetie did a great job caring for the house when I was gone .. Ummmm minus a few plants. I go crazy when I see that some have died I LOVE Garden he just forgot to water them ,oh well . So sorry for the long post my heart is so full tonight . I send love to all who's paths I crossed this weekend. PLEASE if you stop by, leave a comment as I want so much to stay in touch. You are all beautiful and amazing! een more so if you take the time to read this long post . I had some great photos and then screwed up importing them and deleted many I did not mean too ..Boo Hoo.Then at Maija's I got everyones email on a piece of paper and misplaced it, I blame it all on menopause. Hugs Julie P.S I will be stopping by blogs to say Hi in the A.M.
Wow, sounds like it was a busy and overflowing weekend!
Thanks for visiting, I just saw your comment. Now that I am back online, I can get caught up with linking and so on.
I don't know whether the iris will mix - you would have to leave the stalks of the blooms to ripen with seed and I have no idea how long a seedling would take until it finally blooms. But I have a hard enough time keeping the ones I have. Wet winters and too many slugs.
sounds like you had a fun filled weekend!
I am in the same situation as far as i'm doing a fair next weekend, but for the first time I won't be able to buy of other stalls because hubby's job has been cut to a 4 day week for the last 3 months :( I know it will be a challenge not to buy anything, but I must resist ;)
Micki x
Your heart is full! Keep it!
Sounds like a fabulous weekend and I wish I could have gone to the soiree. There is nothing like creative spirit! Thank you for yours Julie.
Hi Julie, What an event! Sounds like such a fun bunch of ladies. I love all the fun and funky eye candy.
Sounds like you had a WONDERFUL time! I love days that are just so full of everything good! As to the award, I think you could just copy and paste it into your website. I control clicked on the image, saved it onto my desktop and then just uploaded it like a photo. It's pretty easy. I'm glad you had such a great weekend!! Hugs, Silke
Glad you had a great weekend. Don't you just love Mike and "The Cat? do you have any of your clothes pins left? I do want one or maybe two
woops forgot to say glad Peanut is better and in good hands with grandma
Hi Julie, your booth looks great in the photo hope the show went well!
best wishes-
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